looking for Slow cooker bbq chicken recipe

Good evening! I am in search of a recipe for bbq chicken in a slow cooker.

I found this recipe and after making some adjustments, I was able to make a perfect meal. I now want to change it to bbq. But obviously I dont know how to cook. I was going to just take out the ketchup and brown sugar and replace it with bbq sauce, but every recipe I see doesnt call for water and barely any liquid at all. I thought the water would to prevent the chicken from burning the bottom of the pan but I guess now. So is that to say I can follow any recipe and tweak it? Also does my chicken need to be thawed? For the original recipe, it called for from chicken, which really didnt work. I had to bump the time up a bit. But when I look at google, none of the recipes call for from chicken and google even says to thaw it out before putting chicken in the slow cooker. So now im confused and I just want bbq chicken to put over my rice

submitted by /u/420Lyrics
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